
Saturday, 30 June 2012

Darksiders II Last Sermon Trailer

New trailer for the Darksiders 2 game!

Man, I can't wait for August after the release date was pushed back. Played the first game and was really hooked on the game's lore... Been waiting for the second game ever since then.

 I have always been  lured by the "4 horsemen" since young. Apocalypse and his 4 horsemen from the X-Men cartoons were my favourite villains. I have also read on fantasy stories featuring the 4 horsemen. Not forgetting Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare where you have to find and "collect" the 4 horses of the apocalypse. But to actually play as War, one of the horsemen, in Darksiders 1 was an awesome feeling.

War's powers and weapons combined with puzzles to solve as well as an intriguing plot was one of the best games I played and immediately started looking for hints of a sequel. As if I wasn't hooked enough, the ending in Darksiders 1 was epic, really epic. I remember watching the ending on Youtube again a month or so again and it was nostalgic. Probably rate it as 1 of my top 3 game endings. I put up a video below on the ending for those who want to catch it. (Spoiler Alert of course) I swear the hair on the back of my neck stood up when I watched the ending again before typing this post.

*All credits to the person who uploaded the video.

Ahh.. I feel like playing through Darksiders 1 again before the sequel comes out...

Friday, 29 June 2012

Local Justice Map Pack for Max Payne 3 coming on July 3rd

Trailer and Screenshots

New maps, M4 Assault Rifle weapon, multiplayer characters and an item! All this will be included in the Local Justice DLC pack. It will be US$5.99 for the first week and US$7.99 thereafter. So if anyone's interested better grab it quick. Of course, if you already have the Rockstar Pass, then it's all free.

They also will be having the Preorder Bonus DLCs up for purchase. Free for Rockstar Pass holders again!

Do check out my crew, Temasek Thugs and if you are from Singapore, you are welcome to join! Just request an invite.

*All photos and trailer video were taken from (What? You thought I created those images and trailer on my own?!)

The Darkness Figure Pics

Just got this figure a few days ago in the mail. Managed to get it for a steal at S$19 including shipping on eBay after searching it for a long time. On the card, it says it was released in 2001 so was really lucky to find it for that price. Been trying to get this after playing the games and reading the comics.

For those who don't know, this is The Darkness (Jackie Estacado) figure from the Top Cow comics universe. There don't seem to be any figures based on The Darkness videogame, only a few based on the comics. Managed to hunt down 2 but still looking for The Darklings figures. 

Figure looks great for something that was released so many years ago. Not much articulation on it though. But the detail on the base is just outstanding. This is probably the only figure that I have that has a base so detailed. 
3rd pic compares the 2 different Darkness figures that I have(the only 2 ones out there from what I know). The other one comes with two Darkling figures as accessories as well as having more articulation. Personally I prefer this one though.

Anyway, hope you guys like the pics and I will try to get pics of my other Darkness figures up on the site. Do feel free to comment below

Max Payne 3 Special Edition Pics

Just to share some pictures of my Max Payne 3 Special Edition.

I bought this edition specifically for the statue and I wasn't disappointed. Fair enough, the face resemblance isn't the best but it seems to be modelled on the Max Payne from the previous games. The littered bullet shells are a nice touch to the Statue. Bullet Keychain looks fantastic. Saw the bullet thumb drive in the Saints Row 2 Collectors Edition and have been contemplating getting one for a very long time so I'm glad I got a keychain at least from this. The still life art prints are a nice feature as well even though I'm not a huge fan of art(I don't hate art just that I won't pay separately for them) and I might consider framing them up to display and preserve them. Bonus DLC content and the game's Official Soundtrack rounds up the rest of the content.

Overall a very cool collection of items and being a huge fan of Figures & Statues, this was a cool add. There still seem to be plenty of these around, didn't seem to sell very well or just mass produced so there's still time to get one if you havn't.

Of course, the game itself is great and I'm hooked on the addictive online multiplayer.
Do check out my crew, Temasek Thugs and if you are from Singapore, you are welcome to join! Just request an invite.

More pics here and do feel free to leave a comment below.

Start of Something New again!

Start of a Blog.. Been thinking if a website or a blog would be better.. Already started up a website a week or so back but there seems to be certain restrictions with the website. But there are also certain restrictions with a blog.

So why not both? A blog for certain stuff and a website for others.

No idea what I'm ranting about? Ok.. here's the thing... I have been thinking about creating a website-blog thingy for quite some time regarding my videogame passion(or addiction). A blog would have been ideal for this. But from what I have seen, there are some restrictions so I decided to use google sites to create a website. Not a very good idea, so I checked out the blog feature which has it's own pros and cons. In the end, I decided to create a blog as well as keeping the website.

So there you have it, the first post in my blog. I'll be posting stuff about videogames and collectibles. More like my own personal diary of my day-to-day ventures in the virtual world and the stuff that I buy relating to games. (From the Virtual World to Reality to My Home). Read if you like!