
Saturday, 30 June 2012

Darksiders II Last Sermon Trailer

New trailer for the Darksiders 2 game!

Man, I can't wait for August after the release date was pushed back. Played the first game and was really hooked on the game's lore... Been waiting for the second game ever since then.

 I have always been  lured by the "4 horsemen" since young. Apocalypse and his 4 horsemen from the X-Men cartoons were my favourite villains. I have also read on fantasy stories featuring the 4 horsemen. Not forgetting Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare where you have to find and "collect" the 4 horses of the apocalypse. But to actually play as War, one of the horsemen, in Darksiders 1 was an awesome feeling.

War's powers and weapons combined with puzzles to solve as well as an intriguing plot was one of the best games I played and immediately started looking for hints of a sequel. As if I wasn't hooked enough, the ending in Darksiders 1 was epic, really epic. I remember watching the ending on Youtube again a month or so again and it was nostalgic. Probably rate it as 1 of my top 3 game endings. I put up a video below on the ending for those who want to catch it. (Spoiler Alert of course) I swear the hair on the back of my neck stood up when I watched the ending again before typing this post.

*All credits to the person who uploaded the video.

Ahh.. I feel like playing through Darksiders 1 again before the sequel comes out...