
Friday, 28 September 2012

J Veron's World Updates - 27 Sept 2012

Quick update with a few photos about what's going on...

New stuff arrived in the mail today..

GTA San Andreas Poker Chips

Assassin's Creed figures by NECA

Also got a Unhooded Ezio Onyx figure locally for cheap which is somewhere in the cupboard. All this is happening between something way more important, the birth of my first child so havn't had the time to open the stuff up and take better pics. Quick iPhone pics will suffice for now.

Getting some really cool stuff in about 2 weeks so looking forward to that as well but my concentration is all on my wife and soon-to-be born daughter so pics will come later rather than soon. But I promise they will be up so do check back to see those really cool stuff. No hints but they will be worth your time.. Really excited to get those.