
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

PayDay 2 Collector's Edition Revealed?

Hmm.. Spotted this PayDay 2 Collector's Edition Details. Not sure if it's officially revealed yet since I haven't seen news of it on any of the major gaming sites.

There is no pic of the Collector's Edition either but I have seen on several sites that the contents of the CE will be: Latex mask of main character, Tyvek wallet that looks like roll of $100's, blue surgical gloves, Digital DLC loot bag with extra money, and DLC guns.

Edit: has found more info on this CE
The CE will be called PayDay 2 Career Criminal Edition and it will be be numbered and limited to 50K units (30K Xbox 360 and 20K PS3).

Edit: Found the pic!

US Retail price is at around US$60; $20 more than the standard edition which is at about US$40.

Many of the big online retailers don't seem to have it listed either but it's on Amazon and Play-Asia right now. I believe both retailers will ship this internationally, so you can pre-order yours at these sites if you like.

Play-Asia's Links
Buy Payday 2 (Collector's Edition) for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Buy Payday 2 (Collector's Edition) for Xbox360 (360)

Amazon's Links
PayDay 2 (Collector's Edition) for PS3
PayDay 2 (Collector's Edition for Xbox 360

Here's a look at probably the coolest Bank Heist ever.


Edit: ~More info added~
