
Friday, 16 August 2013

Join my Rockstar/GTA V crew!

So we have all seen the trailer.. read the details and are just waiting for Oct 1 for GTA Online...

No? Sayonara then!

Well if you are... Join my crew, Temasek Thugs!

Temasek Thugs is a Singapore only crew, doesn't matter if you are staying in Singapore right now or if you weren't born in Singapore. 

The crew is for everyone! Whether you are just looking for people to complete trophies with, want to go all-out into the online mode or just looking for someone to hold hands with while parachuting, you are free to join!

We are not a competitive crew looking to get the best K/D stats. it's all in the name of good fun. Our No.1 priority is to have fun, but everyone is encouraged to play to win. We wouldn't want other crews mocking us when they beat us, right?

Just head over here, and if you don't have a SocialClub account, do create one and send me a request to join. We also have a sub-forum over at so will be awesome if you can join our close-knit community.

Crew Page
Crew Forum 

Sorry everyone else, this crew is only for Singapore. However, do add me up on PSN (Jengoboy) and we could always have a couple of games together!