Ever since the man himself, Todd McFarlane, revealed that he would like to do all the Assassin characters in his line of figures, I have been waiting for this day.
The day when Altair and Ezio will join his line of figures. Finally the day has come, my friends and fellow Assassins.. I present to you..
Altair and Ezio in Figure form!!
Lol ok, those aren't figures.. but some retailers have just put up these figures for pre-order for Series 3 of McFarlane's AC figures.
Series 3 will supposedly include Ah Tabai and a mystery character, yet to be revealed.
Ah Tabai
You can see some prototype pics of Ah Tabai here, when he was featured in ToyFair 2014 earlier this year.
The mystery character's listing comes with a description that goes like this..
"From the Assassin's Creed Unity game comes this Secret Assassin! This Secret Assassin Figure includes two of the character's signature weapons and a code to unlock Assassin's Creed content! The 6-inch scale Secret Assassin Action figure comes in blister card packaging. More details to come"
So.. the new Assassin from AC Unity will have 2 signature weapons.. Interesting..
Figures are expected to be released in October 2014.
Anyway back to Ezio and Altair. It looks like the dream will finally be fulfilled - The entire cast of Assassins to be in the same figure line.
Based on the ToyFair pics, there seems to be a couple more characters that are to be in the Series. So, I shall patiently wait and see.. But for now, this is awesome news!!
Get your McFarlane Toys' Assassin's Creed Figures from Entertainment Earth