
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Assassin's Creed Unity Season Pass Details

What's new?! Nothing actually.. Assassin's Creed games always come with Season Passes!

No different for AC Unity.

The Season Pass comes with several pieces of DLC, including an
'Expansion' - Assassin's Creed Dead Kings
A New Game - Assassin's Creed Chronicles China
and some content for AC Unity's Story game.

The extra content for AC Unity will include 3 new missions, namely;
The American Prisoner
Killed by Science
The Chemical Revolution

30 Customization options, and new weapons, gear and skills. The Season Pass will also include the exclusive launch-day Fleur de Lys Sword.

Dead Kings

The Dead Kings campaign will serve as an expansion to AC Unity. Set in Saint Denis, this campaign follows Arno, after the events of  AC Unity and away from Paris.

Chronicles: China

Not only is this a new story away from AC Unity (Or maybe there are ties?), the entire gameplay will be different. 

If you saw the trailer, this one looks a lot more like a side-scrolling game, than the open-world exploration we know from the AC games. 

Many fans will be happy to see Shao Jun getting her own (mini) game but the style may not have been what they expected. Beautiful art style but not exactly what I was hoping for either.

Priced at US $29.99, the Season Pass should save you 30% as compared to purchasing it individually. 8 hours of new content has been promised, but if you take it slow like me, you get 16 hours!

All the content is expected to release before early 2015. Oh and if you pre-order, you will get an exclusive double-handed war axe. 

Hmm.. how do you pre-order a Season Pass DLC? Purchase before the first DLC comes out? Not too sure about that.

Anyway, I love the content available here. Always up for new campaigns and new stories, expanding the AC Universe. Now let's wait for some AC Rogue Season Pass!

Source: UbiBlog