
Friday, 24 October 2014

GameStart 2014: The Games on Show

Let's get to the games!

What's a gaming convention without games eh? I was a little worried about the game line-up. A convention in it's very first year and far way from the big gaming markets like the US, Europe and Australia. Will the games be interesting enough, for me at least?

I was pretty sure that there would be plenty of Japanese games, but there's a large and growing group of gamers who are more interested in the Western games, which includes me. So, will GameStart cater to us as well or will it just be for fans of Japanese games?

Thankfully, GameStart has an abundance of games. A line-up that has pleasantly surprised many.

Evolve, Bloodborne, Little Big Planet 3, The Order, Dead Island 2, Far Cry 4 and lots more will please fans of the Western games.

Plenty of games that I'm very interested in..

Evolve - I think it's pretty clear that I'm mad crazy about this game already. I won 2 invites to 2k Asia's office to try out the game over the last couple of months and I'm very very excited for this game. No doubt, my most anticipated game of 2015. 

There's going to be 2 full setups of the 4v1 gameplay that Evolve is so famous for. So, that means that there's not going to be a single kiosk just for you try the game and then imagine how it's going to be like when you play 4v1. This is the real deal! 4 Hunters vs 1 Monster, all controlled by us guys. You will get the full-on experience for you to see what the game is all about. 

Pretty sure, there's going to be a large crowd for this game. Really can't imagine if anyone's going to the convention and then not even try the game once.

I'm going to be wearing my Evolve T-Shirt just to advertise this game.. So, if I meet anyone who says they never tried the game at the convention..... Really man, really?

Far Cry 4 - Another game I am very excited for, which will be releasing next month. Had no interest in the series when Far Cy 3 released but after hearing all the reviews and several of my friends urging me to play this, I'm quite a fan now. 

Yet to play Far Cry 3 though, so will be looking forward to having my first hands-on experience of this series at the convention.

The Order 1886 - Never expected this to be at the convention, but it is! This is 1 game that I'm looking at because of the Victorian London setting and the mythology but I'm still not very convinced about the game-play. 

Somehow, I want to like this game.. maybe it's because of the awesome CEs that will be released.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - My brother seems to enjoy this a lot. and has been urging me to play this. Got to try this out.

Dead Island 2 - This game was added to the event's lineup literally just a few days ago. I think it just goes to show how dedicated the organisers are, and their efforts to make this convention a huge success. 

At this point of time, just days away from the convention, I would think that they would just be concentrating on the final details but it's great to know that they are still hard at work to make this already awesome event even better.

Kudos to the GameStart Asia guys & gals for that!

Yes, Dead Island 2 is another game I would love to try out. Have high hopes for this one!

Bloodborne - Don't think I have heard of this game until recently, might have got it confused with 2K's Battleborn. This game will no doubt be 1 of the highlights at the Con, because this will be 1 of 2 Stage Events where you get to meet the Game Producer, Masayaki Yamigawa himself!

Managed to get an invite to the Stage Event so I have a strange feeling that I'll be convinced to get this game after that. (Already happened with The Last of Us and Beyond Two Souls, where I was barely interested until I attended the Playstation Events).

Little Big Planet 3 - Haha, never bothered trying this game even though I had the demo for LBP 2 I think. Just too cute for me. Time to see what the fuss is all about.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Who doesn't love Lego? Had a couple of LEGO games on my PSP many years back. My wife will be following me to the convention on the 1st day, so who knows.. she might bceome a fan!

Do they have couch co-op for these?

The Evil Within - I don't particularly enjoy Survival Horror because they don't seem to have a proper story to keep me interested. Still, worth a try.

Playstation has a very cool setup for this, so definitely worth checking out.. Who knows what's in there?

So yea.. that pretty much sums up all the games that I plan to try out at the convention but of course, I'm not going to restrict myself to these. If I can drag myself away from the Evolve booth, I might try give the other games a try.

There's plenty of other games that will have playable demos, so do check out the full list at GameStart's Official Website.

I'll definitely be updating this blog about my thoughts and impressions of the games and the convention as a whole, so do check back often in the next few days!

You can also follow me on Instagram as I update it with pics live from the convention

My Instagram: DrJengo
The rest of my GameStart 2014 coverage: #GameStart2014

GameStart's Official Website