The Goliath statue from Evolve

What a monster! As much as I hate to say it, it was a good decision to make a huge statue of this. Undoubtedly, brings the Goliath monster from the game to life. This Statue is going to evoke memories for Evolve fans, for years to come, on what a badass monster this guy was in the game. Having tried out the Evolve game, I can relate.
As awesome as it is, I have to say the Savage Goliath variant is definitely the superior statue. Limited to only 150 pcs, as compared to the 500 pcs for the standard Goliath, it also costs US $50 more.
Savage Goliath variant
Definitely better right? I'm still itching to press that preorder button on this big guy.
Project Triforce's website shows as release date of Q2 2015 but pics here show Q3 2015. Either way, as long as they don't delay it like the way they are delaying the Darksiders 2 Death statue, fans should be ok I guess.