
Saturday, 22 November 2014

Busy playing...

Haven't been updating the blog recently eh? Just been busy with setting up a project with Sticky City Photobooth and actually playing games.

It feels like ages since I have played games regularly and with so many games out this month, I'm still pushing hard to complete AC IV before I start on the new games. 

On one hand, it's just my obsession with completing games in order and on the other, I want to catch up on the modern-day plot before I start on AC Unity and AC Rogue.

I'm still waiting for my CE copies to arrive so hoping that gives me enough time to plat the AC IV game. Heard the multiplayer trophies are gonna take a while and I still haven't gotten 100% sync on the story. (Does anyone even care about trophies anymore?)

Then there's the Freedom Cry DLC. Man, I've been slacking a lot on my backlog but recently I have been focused on gaming.

Then there's Far Cry 4 and GTA V on PS4. Glad it's the end of the year where I can clear my remaining leave days for more gaming time!