
Saturday, 15 November 2014

Evolve Big Alpha stats revealed

Did you play the Big Alpha on Halloween Weekend? Then, you should have received a mail with the Big Alpha stats. 

For those who didn't.. well check it out!

Amazing stats.. As expected, Hunters tend to win more games than Monsters. I do feel that the learning curve for the Monsters is steeper as compared to the Hunters. So within a span of just a few days, it wasn't surprising to see the Hunters faring better. However, I don't have any worries about the balancing as is pretty much spot-on.

I'm a bit surprised that Support was the least chosen class, especially since it's my favourite.. More so, considering Hank was the first Support character unlocked in the Big Alpha. Assault no doubt was the most popular Hunter class. Interesting that Medic was more popular than Trapper or Support though.

Can't remember how long my average games were, but 40 mins seems pretty long. 

Anyway, glad that there's a lot of people watching the twitch livestreams. This game is just as fun watching!