
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

GTA Online Heists are fucking finally coming!!!

How many times have I said this over the past two years? Each and every time we heard that heists are finally coming.. it ends up in disappointment.

But this time, it really looks like it's coming.. Still no official release date but it's expected in early 2015.. Ok, ok I know it's still so vague and you are probably frustrated but we finally have some concrete details which makes me feel, it's for real this time.

Before you check out the article by IGN, check out this awesome trailer directed at you. Yes, you.. just check out the first 10 seconds and you will know what I mean..

Oh Hell Yea!!!

First part of the article is all about excuses on why the Heists have taken so long to be ready (But all I can say is that they had to wait for the PC release).. Anyway, whatever the reason.. It's good to finally get some concrete details. Check out this part from the IGN article..

"IGN: How does a heist work exactly?

IMRAN: Each heist requires 4 players all at rank 12 or above, with one player as the designated heist leader. Leading a heist requires owning a high-end apartment so that you have a room available to set up the planning board. From there you’ll be able to launch missions as the leader, starting with the prep work and building up to the score itself.

Being a heist leader has advantages and disadvantages. On the upside, Lester contacts the leader directly when there’s news of a job and it’s up to the leader to invite players into the crew, assign positions, pick outfits and allocate each player’s cut. On the other hand, the heist leader will need to personally front the set-up costs in order to successfully pull off the heist.


So far, the heists seem to be only 4-player co-op so don't expect to bring your whole crew for a bank heist. 

Just hoping the wait will be worth it. Either way, it's back to San Andreas!