
Saturday, 29 August 2015

Assassin's Creed Comic Variant Covers revealed

In true Ubisoft fashion, we have several variant covers revealed for the first issue of the upcoming Titan Comics' Assassin's Creed comics..

Numbered A to D.. these are the variant covers confirmed.

Edit (Missed out 1, thanks Mathieu!) : Numbered A to E.. these are the variant covers confirmed.

Cover E is a blank cover and is going to look the most amazing, because yours truly is going to draw his own cover art!

and then there's 1 more which is listed as Prime.. Not sure what this means though..

Great-looking art, don't forget to check with your retailer on how to get them all!

Not forgetting, Issue #2's cover has also been revealed!

I spot a 'Cover A' on this as well, so we just might get more variant covers for the next issue!

This is a 5-part comic series but looks like they will be selling a lot more than that, based on the variants..

Happy collecting guys!
