
Monday, 10 August 2015

PCS Collectibles' Updates for Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter Statues & more!

Some updates from Pop Culture Shock Collectibles!

My last update had me disappointed with the lack of MKX updates but here it is!

Quan Chi is almost ready for painting!

The finished product is going to look amazing and I'm waiting to see what the exclusive would be. I doubt there's going to be 3 versions of Quan Chi like they did for Kotal Kahn.

Jerry from PCS has also said not all MKX statues will come with the 3 variations like what we have in the game. Thankfully!

There's also an amazing Kintaro tease..

Look at those muscles!!

I still can't vision how Kintaro will turn out so it's going to be an exciting wait..

And for all PCS fans, especially Street Fighter fans.. do check out this interview by BornFree with the man, Jerry himself.

Interview could have focused a bit more on other stuff like Mortal Kombat and several of the other licenses but BornFree is a die-hard Street Fighter fan and that is what he chose to focus on. This 6-part behind-the-scenes footage gives you an in-depth look of the company.

I'll have to admit that when I first started following PCS Collectibles, I wasn't too convinced with the way PCS handled some of the issues like pre-orders, edition sizes etc..

But as I became a regular lurker at StatueForum, I saw first-hand how dedicated Jerry is to the art of collecting.. and in the final video, he mentioned that he wanted to focus on the art first before the business part of it comes in.. A very common thing for companies to say... but I truly believe that it is what Jerry believes in.

Really amazing stuff and sort-of a new announcement but PCS Collectibles are going to produce Metal Gear Solid statues from the various games. Great stuff for you guys! 