
Sunday, 13 September 2015

STGCC 2015: Day One Part 2

Part 2 from yesterday..

There wasn't a lot of gaming collectibles around so I kept walking around in circles to look for anything I missed and I came across H.M.O Collectibles' booth.

And what did I see? A Devil May Cry Dante 1/4 Scale Statue!

H.M.O are doing a line of statues of Gaming Legends and one of those includes this Dante from Devil May Cry.

The very friendly peeps at their booth were more than happy to tell me more about this and were glad to answer some of my questions.

Dante is the first in the DMC series and there are plans to do more characters like Vergil. I did ask them about Nero and their answer.. "Is that your request?".. 
I was like "Yea! Sure!" and they said maybe..

Preorder for this is likely to go up in early 2016 with no indication of a price yet. Edition Size is expected to be about 300-350.

Also talked to Cynthia from Playstore who mentioned that they have a store here in Singapore and that these products will be shipped to customers directly from here. Unfortunately, their license only allows them to sell within South-East Asia. (International folks, you will need to find some friends in this area.)

Found this on their Facebook page..

They also showed me around some of their other gaming statues that were on display.

There was also a Nariko from Heavenly Sword statue on display but I didn't get good pics of that.

It's great to see some gaming statues being made right here in Singapore. Always have a soft spot for local companies and would love to support them. Price looks to be a bit high for Dante but if it turns out awesome, I would love to own this.

Hope to see more gaming stuff from H.M.O in the future!

Check out more pics from their booth at PlayStore's page!

That's it for STGCC 2015 for me. My kid isn't feeling well and I have to give Day 2 a miss. 