
Monday, 7 September 2015

Ubisoft to open a Theme Park in Malaysia

You might have heard the news already.. Ubisoft and Malaysian-based company RSG are teaming up to create an indoor theme park in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The theme park is set to open in 2020 with works expected to begin in late 2016-early 2017 and "all 15 Ubisoft IPs will be considered for use in the park". In fact, the Ubisoft Team are currently in Malaysia for talks.

Well... well, with Malaysia just up North.. guess I'll be heading there a lot! Assassin's Creed style Parkour obstacle courses? Paintball arenas? Games to play? Why the heck not??

I'll be sure to check out the Season Pass details.. I mean Theme Pass..

Source: IGN Asia