So you saw the Standard version of these? I actually bought these variants earlier, because they were limited to only 100 each! Thought they might be a little hard to find, if they sold out but seems like they are still available.
Here's the pics of the 2 variants of the Ninja Gaiden 1/6 Statue..
The Retro Blue variant
Got #63 of 100
Base is pretty much the same as the Standard version
Apart from having 2 swords, instead of 1 Sword and 1 Kunai, all the accessories are the same...
... and of course Ryu's outfit is in blue instead of black like the Standard version.
This variant is inspired by his original blue costume from the NES games, even though the outfit itself isn't. If only, eh?
Bludgeoning Staff variant
#51 of 100
This other variant comes with a staff instead of blades
Again.. same base..
.. but did you notice the difference? This one is a lot more bloody than the other 2 versions.
This variant is also a lot more bloodier than the other 2 versions, with a lot of extra blood splatter on the base as well as on Ryu Hayabusa..
Closer look..
Bloody version looks awesome!
In the same black outfit as the standard version, but swapping weapons and the blood splatter makes this my slight favourite among the 3.
Here's the 3 of them together!
Did you notice how the scarves all look different on each statue? Not sure if it's just me or if they are all manufactured differently.. Either way, I like that they vary on each piece, gives it a little more uniqueness.
On a side note, for some reason, the bases reminds me of cookies.. Anyway..
Perhaps Multiverse Studio isn't well-known yet, but I think these are fantastic for any Ninja Gaiden fan, so it's strange that these are still up for sale. Considering, I gave in and bought these even though I'm not so much of a Ninja Gaiden fan, speaks for it.
These aren't one-off by the way, Multiverse Studio has already announced and revealed the next character in this line; Ayane.
And it looks great! Looks like a perfect companion piece for Ryu Hayabusa.
I'll be skipping it though, not that hardcore of a fan plus I have no interest in this character. Hoping to see other Ryu Hayabusa statues in different outfits as well.
Buy yours now at Entertainment Earth!