
Thursday, 3 March 2016

GTA Online: Checking out the Be my Valentine update

Valentine's Day was just a few weeks ago and GTA Online had it's usual holiday updates with plenty of new content.

Like in previous years, Vintage was the Valentine's theme.

Plenty of Vintage Clothing options were added to dress up for the occasion..

Here's my vid showing all the different options that were added in the update.

The Albany Roosvelt, which was released in 2014, only for a short period of time, was back in stock along with a new Albany Roosvelt Valor.

Here's some pics that I took with the other crew members' rides. A mixture of the original Roosvelts and the new Roosvelt Valors.

Oh yea, looks like I went overboard with the filter. 

Do check out the video below in glorious colour!

Also in the update was the new Till Death do us Apart Adversary Mode

Here's us again checking it out! (Mute it if you can't handle the noisy chatter!)

Fun stuff!

Don't forget to check out the rest of the crew's pics from the event!
And come join us at Temasek Thugs!