
Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Looking forward to Mafia 3!

Mafia 3! Already have the game but have yet to touch it because of the GameStart 2016 convention over the weekend.. I haven't read the reviews but I have seen mostly positive comments about it, so that's good... Not going to let anything spoil my excitement so I have been avoiding the negative reviews for now.

I have always been a fan of the Mafia/Gangster theme in movies & games and Mafia 3 was one of my most anticipated games of 2016. 

I have been watching the trailers in the weeks leading up to the game. Gonna put them up here for 1 more watch before I start the game, hopefully tonight.

The Case Files

and meet the Characters of Mafia 3!

To top it off, I have been playing Mafia 2 in the build-up to the release. Completed it the previous weekend and loved it. 

Huge cliffhanger at the end and I really wanted to know what happened after that. Perhaps some answers would be revealed in Mafia 3 since Vito is in the game too.

There's also DLC planned for the game so perhaps we could see Vito's story similar to the DLC in Mafia 2 where the story was focused on other characters. 

Already bought the Deluxe Edition, which comes with the Season Pass because the vinyls in the Collector's Edition would be a waste without a Vinyl player... Unless... I win this!

Very hyped for the game.. Can't wait to get started on this!