
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Middle-earth: Shadow of War announced and Collector's Edition revealed!

So, right after the leak by a retailer, Warner Bros. has gone ahead and officially announced Middle-earth: Shadow of War. This is the sequel to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, which earned very positive reviews.

and here's the announcement trailer!

Epic trailer (with Epic Monster Roar!), this is the kind of trailer that just makes you want to play it right now! 

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much when Shadow of Mordor came out, but after all that amazing reviews, I got the GOTY edition. Haven't gotten around to playing it yet however, but seeing this makes me want to start on it right now!

However, August 22 2017 is the date set for it's release, but we can expect to see some game-play on March 8.

In addition to the Standard Edition, there will be a Gold Edition which will include:
- Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion
- Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion
- The Blade of Galadriel Story Expansion
- The Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion
- Gold War Chest
- Over $125 in total value

Hardcore fans, however will by eyeing the Mithril Edition, which will come with a a 12-inch diorama of a Tar-Goroth Balrog battling a Carnan Drake.

Pic here isn't the best but that just sounds freaking epic.

This amazing CE will consist of:
- Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Gold Edition with Exclusive Steelcase
- Premium Case with Magnetic Ring of Power
- Exclusive Mithril War Chest
- Official Game Music Soundtrack
- Limited Edition 12" Tar-Goroth Balrog vs. Carnan Drake Statue
- Cloth Map of Mordor
- Collection of Exclusive Lithographs
- Tribe Sticker Pack
- Collector's Box

I know I would definitely be wanting this if I was a Lord of the Rings fan!