
Monday, 23 October 2017

Assassin's Creed Origins UbiCollectibles Bayek & Aya Diorama Collection Pics

More AC Origins Collectibles have arrived!

The Diorama set of Bayek & Aya from UbiCollectibles!

Nice Box Art on the boxes..


Comes with a backdrop

It would be ideal if it was a bit bigger but serves great for photo taking.

Great that he comes with Senu, his eagle companion, as well.


Also comes with her own Backdrop piece, which is a bit smaller..

A bit simpler but just as good. 

Like Bayek, Aya also has a base with Egyptian symbols and drawings.. adding to the theme of the game.

It's a diorama of course, let's see them together..

They look great together! Aya on guard while Bayek keeps a lookout with Senu. Always a fan of the Diorama set that gets released with each game (and movie). It's great to have more of the main characters getting the figure treatment.

Wish the Backdrops would be a bit bigger so that it can cover more angles but I understand the restrictions.

No Art Prints this time, with the Diorama but there were some nice ones from the Dawn of the Creed Legendary Edition.

If you liked the previous Dioramas, you will like this just as much. 

One more pic to end this post!
