
Friday, 15 June 2018

E3 2018: My Favourites from Ubisoft's Press Conference

After Sony, my favourite Press Conferences to watch live would be Ubisoft.

With Assassin's Creed almost a yearly affair, I'm always excited to see what's next in the series.

Here's all the games that grabbed my interest ..

Beyond Good and Evil 2

Not much has been revealed about this yet but the intriguing game world of this space adventure looks marvelous.

That, and the game's colourful characters have got me very interested.

Oh and the collaboration with Joseph Gordon Levitt's HitRECord makes me wish I had a bit of creative talent.. but it will be cool to see what the community comes up with.

The Division 2

I was following the first game for the longest time but then decided not to get it in the end. Maybe this will convince me. Looks like a great co-op game though.

Skull and Bones

I enjoyed the Naval Combat from AC IV Black Flag and I think i'm going to love this. Looks like a true Pirate game with exciting combat.

While the focus will definitely be on what you do at sea, I just hope there will be more things to do on land as well.


Whatever the fuck happened to VR? Once dubbed the future of gaming, I almost forgot all about VR until this showed up.

This psychological thriller looks perfect for a VR experience and I'll definitely be interested in giving this a go. Unfortunately, there isn't many games out there that makes me want to spend on a Playstation VR.

For Honor

I used to play this and really enjoyed the engaging combat this game brought.

However, the match-making sucked and the loot system just wasn't enjoyable when you were mid-tier.

Still.. great to see more content coming to this! Kind of tempted to get back in again though.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

They saved the best for last!

Like many AC fans, I wasn't very excited to see another installment this year. AC Origins was a huge time investment. (I'm still not done with the game's DLC!) Also, the break of last year directly, or indirectly, contributed to a more polished and a much better game, in so many ways.

So, I was really annoyed that this was announced so soon..

Post-E3.. The anger has mellowed and I have come to terms with it but most importantly the presentation has hyped me up.

No doubt, there's still many questions.. .. If AC Origins was the origin story of the AC Brotherhood, who the fuck are these guys?

There's no hint of Assassins in the trailers shown. Apart from some scenes with both characters wearing hoods, we mostly see them in the Spartan helmets. So many questions and still not convinced about it being a "Assassin's Creed" game.

With all that said and done, this looks amazing! Ancient Greece looks simply beautiful. From the large-scale battles and the mythological beasts, (Was that a Minotaur at the end?!) this game will no doubt jump deep into Ancient Greece's history and fiction.

Oh and of course, who doesn't want to play as a Spartan?!


No major reveals this year from Ubisoft but still plenty to look forward to.. 

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is no doubt my favourite. Not just the game but also for their Collector's Editions and the Collectibles.

Also, games like Skull & Bones and The Division 2 look really fun and can be major hits if they get the little stuff right.. 

2018 is shaping up nicely so tell me what are your favourites from Ubisoft this year!