
Tuesday, 31 July 2018

SDCC 2018: My Top Collectible Picks!

All the big toy/collectible companies were out, last week at the annual SDCC, with their new stuff on display!

I still remember a time where comic and movie collectibles were all the hype and gaming collectibles were rare. Only the very popular games had figures and I always wished more companies would pick up gaming licenses.

Times have changed thankfully.. More and more companies are releasing figures and statues in all sizes from our favourite games. Too many in fact, so I have to choose wisely now..

So, here's my carefully thought-out and planned-out (yea right..) list of my top gaming collectible picks from SDCC 2018!

Funny how I start with a comic character then.. but Spidey is getting an all-new adventure in the upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 game.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Darksiders 3 Collector's Editions Revealed

After so many years of whether this franchise is still alive or dead, it's finally nearing its' release.. Nov 27 2018 is the scheduled release date for Darksiders 3.. More than 6 years since Darksiders 2 came out..

Of course, with every game I love, I always look out for the Collector's Editions. Nothing at E3 2018 so I was eagerly waiting for this news and it didn't disappoint!

Saturday, 14 July 2018

PS4 Spider-Man to grace variant covers for Marvel Comics in September

So.. not only is the PS4 Spider-Man joining the Marvel Comics Universe.. there's also going to be several variant covers in September featuring the new Spider-Man from the upcoming PS4 game!

There's going to be 5 Marvel comics in September, that will feature covers drawn by Insomniac Games' artists, that will pay homage to classic comic covers. However, the new covers will feature characters from the Spider-Man PS4 game.

Here's the list..

PS4 Exclusive Marvel's Spider-Man to be part of the Marvel Comics Universe?

So, this has been a question on my mind for some time. Will the Spider-Man from the Insomniac Games' Spider-Man PS4 game be canon to the Marvel Comics? Or perhaps even get a new comic series featuring the new Spider-Man?

Well.. here's your answer..

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Mortal Kombat X Comics Collection Pics

Have a renewed interest in comics recently, so dug up some of my older comics that I haven't taken pics of..

One of my favourites.. The Mortal Kombat X Comics!

Published by DC Comics as a filler for the events between Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

PlayStation Plus' July 2018 Free Games Lineup (All Regions)

We are past the halfway mark of 2018 and E3 2018 probably gave you guys a huge list of games to buy.. but don't forget that we still have free games!

Here are July's free PS Plus Games!

Heavy Rain! So happy to have this after getting Beyond Two Souls in May! Just got 2 games that I have been wanting to play, for free! So glad to have PS Plus at the moment!