
Wednesday, 1 August 2018

PlayStation Plus' August 2018 Free Games Lineup (All Regions)

August's PS Plus Games have been announced!

2 Great Games in Mafia 3 & Dead by Daylight!


Mafia III (PS4)
Dead by Daylight (PS4)
Here They Lie (PS VR)
Bound by Flame (PS3)
Serious Sam BFE (PS3)
Draw Slasher (PS Vita)
Space Hulk (PS Vita)

Asia PSN

Mafia III (PS4)
Syberia 3 (PS4)
Bound by Flame (PS3)
Assassin's Chronicles - Trilogy (PS Vita)
Draw Slasher (PS Vita)


Mafia III (PS4)
Dead by Daylight (PS4)
Knowledge is Power (PS4 - PlayLink)
Here They Lie (PS VR)
Bound by Flame (PS3)
Serious Sam BFE (PS3)
Draw Slasher (PS Vita)
Space Hulk (PS Vita)

Mafia 3 is worth playing for it's storytelling but be warned of it's overly repetitive game-play..

Dead by Daylight, is still something I play regularly even thought it's been a year since its release. Such a pity that it's not being released here in Asia, would have liked to get some of my friends to check this out.

Still, it's something worth checking out if you have this available in your region and feel free to let me know if you would like me to join you!

 Here's my thoughts on the game when it first got released..

Good selection of games this month!


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