
Sunday, 25 November 2018

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals from Amazon UK

How's the Black Friday Deals going for you guys? Caught any good deals and what have you got?

If the Amazon US' deals were not for you because you live in Europe, here's some of the best deals from Amazon UK.

Check these deals out!

Far Cry 5: The Father Edition - £39.99

Super deal! The entire Collector's Edition for the price of a game..

Gran Turismo: Sport Collector's Edition - £29.99

Not bad a deal for this cool CE!

Assassin's Creed Movie Aguilar Statue - £34.99

The company that made this has closed down & it doesn't look like there will be a sequel to the AC movie.. but the franchise is still going strong and Aguilar will be a important part of the lore. For this price, it's a must-get for a beautiful statue & some really nice shots from the movie.

PlayStation Plus: 12-month Membership - £39.99

Always good to get this subscription at a discount, why would you want to pay more?

Will update as I find more deals.. 

As always, I'll be ever grateful if you use the above affiliate links when making a purchase which will earn the blog a small commission..