
Saturday, 9 February 2019

Udon Entertainment announces Art of Darksiders 3

So.. are you a fan of the Darksiders art like me? If you are.. you will love these!

Udon Entertainment has just announced the release of The Art of Darksiders III Hardcover book. 

This special Art book will feature over 200 pages of character art, rough concepts, environment designs, storyboards & more.

Here are some preview pages..

Of course, if love Darksiders 3's art, then you would also want to have the art books for the previous 2 installments! Not to worry!

Udon Entertainment will be re-releasing new Hardcover editions of the The Art of Darksiders and The Art of Darksiders II later this year!

To make things easier on the wallet, the 3 Hardcover books will be released over 3 months. (Oh Thank you!!)

Release Dates
The Art of Darksiders - May 7 2019
The Art of Darksiders II - June 4 2019
The Art of Darksiders III - July 2 2019

Having missed the initital releases of the first 2 Artbooks, this announcement has made me very happy so of course I'm going to get these. Love the character designs and the art style of these games and would make a beautiful addition to my collection! 


Anyone else planning to get these?! If you are, check out the links below to purchase yours! Affiliate Links may earn this blog a commission, if you click and purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you.