
Sunday, 24 March 2019

Hitman 2 Collector's Edition Collection Pics

Had a lot of hesitation about getting this Hitman 2 Collector's Edition but I finally got it. 

Not exactly what I would call my kind of a CE, since there's no statue included but there were reasons why I still wanted this.

This is how the CE arrived..

The exclusive content only available in the CE was 1 of the reasons why I wanted to get it. Always nice to have additional content, even though it can be quite redundant.. :P

The briefcase-look for the box was also a major selling point. I am a sucker for anything that looks like it came right out of game.

Even nicely packed inside..

The game with the voucher for the DLC

Bullet Keychain.. I think I have a few of these from different games..


Hitman Rubber Duck

These serve as innocent-looking bombs in the game. This little duckie dressed as Agent 47 himself.

Steelbook - bonus points for this CE for having a Steelbook Case separate from the Disc Case. I don't collect these so it's easier to just sell off the Steelbook on its own.

Would have liked more stuff for this Collector's Edition but overall I still like this. That briefcase is of good quality and it's a nice piece for the Hitman collection.

Can't wait to get into this game. Really enjoyed the first one but wished I had more time for it. 

A true sandbox game! Check this game out at Amazon! Affiliate Links may earn this blog a commission, if you click and purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you.