
Saturday, 11 May 2019

Marvel's Spider-Man: City At War #1 Gamerverse Collection Pics

Finally! Got all the variants for the first ever comic under the new Marvel's Gamerverse!

In late March 2019, the first issue of Marvel's Spider-Man: City at War was released with several variants. 

Check out the pics and the names of the talented artists behind each of the cover. 

Standard Cover (Clayton Crain)

Standard cover done by the legendary Clayton Crain. Have several other comic covers by him in my non-gaming collection but nice to see him do a gaming-related one. All 6 issues in this series will be done by him so that will be huge bonus!

1:10 Variant (Gerardo Sandoval)

This is cool. A close-up of Spidey in a different art style and I didn't notice MJ in the preview images at the top of the building.

1:25 Variant (Tim Tsang)

I'm pretty sure this is a homage cover but to what I'm not sure. But yea.. Spidey vs Mr. Negative and his goons.

1:50 Variant (David Nakayama)

Nice cover with both Spidey and Mr Negative! I'm also excited for this because the artist has confirmed that he will be doing a variant for all 6 issues, featuring each of the Sinister Six villains in the game. Gonna be fantastic!

1:100 Variant (Adi Granov)

Looks familiar? This is the exact piece that the artist did for a PS4 theme. Have that selected as my current theme and now I have this. Hoping for more of Adi Granov's art, especially for the DLCs to come out as covers!

Unknown Comic Books Exclusive Variant (Jay Anacleto)

Great to see some of the other game characters giving the limelight as well. Black Cat played quite a significant role in one of the DLCs.

Retailer Variant (Skan Srisuwan)

Quite a big fan of Skan's Venom covers so nice to see him doing one for this. This is also a homage to  another comic cover. (Amazing Fantasy #15)

Retailer Variant (Phillip Tan)

Roll call of every villain in the game? Almost all of them are in there. Whoever said there isn't enough space on a cover to feature many characters?

KRS Comics Exclusive Variant (Gerald Parel)

Another nice cover with Black Cat. Love this as well!

There is 1 other cover that was released, the Spider-Villains variant. However, it featured Lizard who wasn't even in the game so gave it a miss. 

Plus Spider-Man is not even in my favourite Spidey costume!!

Great set of variants, planning to display them with the rest of the Spider-Man Gamerverse collection and there's more coming in with the rest of the mini-series!

***SPOILERS Ahead!***

The City at War mini-series brings the game's story to the comics and Issue #1 shows Spider-Man taking down the Kingpin, introduces Peter Parker's relationship with his mentor, Doctor Octavius.

Mary Jane is also in this comic and of course their relationship is also explored. all of this while setting the stage with one of the game's main enemy factions, the Demons.

Also.. right at the end, Mr Negative's true identity is revealed.

***SPOILERS Over!***

Apart from a few additional scenes, the comic basically tells the story which you see in the game, so it's a great comic to pick-up if you have not played the game. This will be a 6-issue series so it won't be a huge investment if you want to get into this (Unless of course, you want to get all the variants like me!)

Did anyone else get these? Which was your favourite variant? Let me know in the comments below!