
Monday, 16 September 2019

Borderlands 3 Vault Insider Program (VIP) Season 3 Rewards

3rd Season for the Borderlands' Vault Insider Program rewards are out!

Even more rewards to earn with your valuable VIP points!

The new rewards include:

1. 3rd chance at the Weaponizer

2. New weapons for Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Borderlands 3. (in order from top to bottom)

3. FL4K Head and Skin

4. More Wallpapers

How many VIP points have you gotten? 

Mine's just passed the 53,000 mark. Still some way to go to unlock all the legendary weapons but getting there. If you have yet to join as a VIP, what are you waiting for?


Come join the Vault Hunting fun! Affiliate Links may earn this blog a commission, if you click and purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you.