
Friday, 31 January 2020

Marvel's Spider-Man: City At War #4 Gamerverse Collection Pics

Here are my collection pics of the Marvel's Spider-Man: City at War #4 comic variants.

There are 4 different covers for this issue.

Standard Cover (Clayton Crain)

1:25 Variant (Eduard Petrovich)

1:50 Variant (David Nakayama)

2nd Print (Michele Bandini)

Clayton Crain and David Nakayama continue the run with their own covers for those collecting their respective sets. 

Eduard Petrovich brings his own unique style to his cover with Spidey battling against the Gamerverse's Sinister Six. 

Michele Bandini's interior splash page featuring Doc Ock also features as a cover, as a 2nd print; the only issue in this series which released a 2nd print.

Nice covers! Issue #4 was largely all about Doc Ock's big reveal.

Check back again soon for the last 2 covers in this series!

If you missed the comic issues but still want to catch up on this awesome series, check out the Trade Paperback, which will collect all 6 issues. Affiliate Links may earn this blog a commission, if you click and purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you.