
Saturday, 30 May 2020

God of War: Fallen God Comic mini-series

Dark Horse Comics will be pushing a new comic mini-series that will be set between God of War 3 and the God of War (2018) games titled; God of War: Fallen God.

Issue #1 will release on 24 June 2020 and will be the first of 4 issues.

The mini-series promises to explain the events of God of War 3 and how did Kratos end up in Midgard (Norse mythology) in the 2018 God of War game.

"God of War: Fallen God follows Kratos after conquering Zeus and thwarting Athena. Believing himself to be finally free of his bondage, he sets sail for the desert in an attempt to distance himself from his home and his shame only to find his rage and guilt follow close behind. Kratos rages against the one foe that has proven to be unconquerable—himself. But a war against oneself is unwinnable, and only invites madness."
Personally, I don't think this is the most important question but, as a fan, it will be interesting to know what happened after God of War 3 and also how the different mythologies are explained in the God of War lore and will there be a possibility to explore more mythologies in the future?

What do you guys think? Is this really a mystery that you are dying to find out or you don't care? Let me know in the comments below!


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