
About me

Hi everyone, welcome to My World of Video Games! You can call me Jengo, Dr Jengo or however you know me as.

I'm just a regular guy from Singapore with a huge passion for Video Games and collectibles.. Merchandise, Memorabilia, Swag or whatever you like to call them. I have a decent collection of them.. figures, statues, books, dice.. they come in all forms. If I love a game, I love the stuff that comes along with it. I still have yet to take pictures of everything I own but I keep telling myself to.

Anyway, this is my blog where I will post news about games and collectibles that I like, game reviews, and maybe some other interesting stuff that I come across. Sort of a mini diary for myself as well, to keep track of certain info, that I may crack my head over in the future trying to remember. Also possibly meet fellow gamers, collectors and anyone who loves games, from all around the world.

What I post is just my opinion.. If you don't agree, you are free to say so in the comments box. But let's try to keep it friendly, nothing controversial I hope, though I like to speak my mind. I'm a very optimistic & laid-back guy so I tend to see the positives in most things so you might not see me bashing games in my reviews.

I don't have a pic of me up on the site for some reason. Somehow, just don't like the idea of my pic up on the blog. There are a couple of readers as well as friends who actually know who I am, so it's not like I'm hiding in a hole and writing this.

Anyway, hope you like reading what I have to post. Comments are always welcome! And of course,  do feel free to ask me anything. You can contact me at Do feel free to add me on facebook as well!
